As a daughter of immigrants and a lifelong Southside Milwaukee resident, Deisy will be your voice in Madison.

Policy Priorities

  • Immigrants deserve to live with dignity, to drive without fear of getting pulled over without having a license, and to have access to affordable healthcare and education. Immigrants are human beings that contribute millions of dollars in taxes and deserve equal access and opportunities. As a daughter of immigrants, Deisy knows firsthand the challenges of immigrant communities in Wisconsin, and as your Representative, she will be a constant advocate for immigrants. For years, Deisy has volunteered and organized with Voces de la Frontera, the leading immigrant rights organization in the state and she will continue to organize colleagues in Madison for immigrants in our community.

  • Deisy will fight tireless to overturn the abysmal policy of Act 10 and restore collective bargaining rights and workers rights throughout the state. She will fight for workers and against corporate interests whenever possible. Deisy will advocate for legislation that gives municipalities more control over local wages so people can be paid a fair wage. In addition, she will work to overturn Wisconsin's "right-to-work" law that undermines unions and their right to demand fair pay and safe working conditions.

  • Every Wisconsinite deserves access to affordable healthcare. Expanding BadgerCare will allow more people to get insured at a lower cost regardless of income-level. Our healthcare should not be at the hands of corporations that put profit over people.

  • Deisy supports the right of individuals to make informed decisions about their reproductive health including access to safe and legal abortion, contraception, comprehensive sex education, and gender-affirming care. She believes people should have the agency to make their own healthcare decisions. She will push to pass legislation that protects reproductive rights for all Wisconsinites.

  • Public schools have been significantly underfunded across the state, especially in Milwaukee. Every kid deserves a high quality education and every teacher deserves to get paid fairly and it starts by fully funding schools through the state budget and not using local property taxes to determine how much funding each school should receive.

  • Deisy is committed to protecting our environment and advocating for legislation at the state level that will reduce greenhouse emissions and protect our shared planet. She will advocate for policies that protect our greatest natural resources, including our lakes, rivers, and forests.